{on writing, prayer and photography}

I have reflected on the idea of prayer and I am reading (with a friend) the wonderful book  Prayer by Hans Urs von Balthasar.  This book is so rich that I’m left both breathless for more, even while being totally flabbergasted by his meaty thoughts.  I find myself studiously copying down paragraph after paragraph.  I will be writing on prayer soon, after I have more time to learn from friends on the topic and think.

I don’t get prayer – it isn’t easy for me to understand or practice. And the longer I am a person of faith the more crazy I feel in group prayer meetings.  I’d value any insights.

Also, I’m thinking about the tensions and paradox of the life of faithfulness to God pursuing this illusive life of a writer.

I scribbled this down earlier in the week in my moleskin.

If someone would tell ME

or tell THE WORLD that something

I wrote

move them, and I

would choose for them to tell THE WORLD, then

I know that I write for the wrong reasons.

Forgive me.

Other than that.  I will leave you to the rest of your Sunday – whether you practice Sabbath or not, I hope you will enjoy a moment, walking through the Botanical Gardens of Madison.

If you’d like to see my whole set of the walk through Madison’s Botanical Gardens, it is here.


One thought on “{on writing, prayer and photography}

  1. I also feel feel crazy/uncomfortable at prayer meetings. I’ve never been one to enjoy praying out loud in a group; it always feels like my praying is more focused on the other people in the group than on God who I’m supposed to be talking to.
    Actually it’s funny to run into this post because I was just journaling about mealtime prayers- actually about no longer participating in them- which is likely to be a point of contention with family members.
    I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts about prayer. :)


Thanks so much for reading and sharing.